Saturday, August 27, 2011

Your Government Recap: Double Eviction

Nothing turns the Your Government house upside lower that can compare with an unexpected double eviction. Since it all plays out live, we see hardly any from the houseguests playing the overall game in fast-forward, but there is enough tension within the moments we did look into fill three seasons from the show? So, who had been left standing once the dust removed? And who'll join Brendon within the jury house? Let us discover.However: I suppose I have never observed within the 10 seasons I have looked at the show, but does the studio audience look so robot while smiling and clapping. It has been much more annoying than normal this year, making me question whether it's become worse. Anyway...We get soon after Shaun backdoored Daniele, who vows to campaign tough to stay, whether which means her friend Kalia needs to go back home. Certain that she's Porsche's election, she starts to operate on Shelly to ascertain if she will persuade this season's greatest lizard to slither to Daniele's side of the home. Daniele constitutes a compelling argument: Jordan and Rachel are almost definite challengers for that final two because whomever remains in the overall game would take Jordan and Rachel to ensure victory. (It's unlikely the jury gives Jordan another $500,000 and, well, everyone hates Rachel.) Nevertheless, neither Shelly or Daniele can stomach the idea of giving Rachel, "a totally disgusting individualInch $50,000. So, Shelly decides to secure another swing election.She first goes after Adam by explaining that as lengthy because they are on Team Shaun and Jordan, they'll miss out ultimately. (There is no method in which Shaun or Jordan would chose either Adam or Shelly for that finals.) Adam concurs, but he trusts Shaun and Jordan whereas he thinks Daniele will ultimately switch on him. (He's right, but additionally, Adam has not made any choices for themself within this game. Or as Daniele states, "Adam uses Jeff's brain.")So, Shelly would go to focus on Rachel the easiest way possible: She makes Rachel believe Shaun triggered Brendon's eviction. Shelly informs Rachel that Shaun put the energy of veto (that is true) instead of attempting to win and save Brendon. Rachel indicates when Daniele remained, she and Shaun would still fight, which may allow Rachel not to be considered a target not less than another week . "Who woulda thunk?" Daniele asks. "I simply got a glimmer of hope in red-colored extensions and furry boots."Regrettably, that glimmer wasn't vibrant enough. Although Julie notifies audiences the house skyrocketed earlier within the day when Shelly says she's switched sides of the home, she was not able to sway Adam and Rachel. So, Daniele is kicked out with a 3-2 election. She's no regrets, and she or he has the capacity to laugh off that Rachel calls her a an "arrogant, rude, horrible bi---" in her own goodbye message.Some tips about what I do not get: Why would Shelly so openly switch sides? I realize she thinks she can't beat Shaun and Jordan ultimately, why not gradually turn against them rather than clearly flipping sides. So how exactly does anybody trust her since she's proven she'll drop if this most closely fits her?What goes on next is really a blur of competitions and advertisements. (Seriously, it's like they packed inside a week's price of advertisements too!) First of all may be the Mind of Household competition, which tests the houseguests memory of occasions from the summer time. Sooner or later it comes lower to Kalia and Jordan, and Kalia pulls the victory. Moments later, she rather not surprisingly nominates Rachel and Shaun for eviction.So, it comes down lower towards the veto competition. According to random draw, everybody plays except Jordan, which is not a positive thing for Shaun. The overall game is straightforward: Retrieve two clown footwear from the giant pit of plastic balls first and won by you. Rachel jumps to the first lead, but Porsche, Shelly and Adam even some misconception. Shaun finally will get his first shoe but moments later Porsche finds her second and walks onto win the veto. (She stored saying she desired to win something!)In the veto ceremony, neither Rachel nor Shaun begs for that veto, that is wise since Porsche most likely is not likely to utilize it anyway. And, indeed, she does not. We do not see whatever last-ditch pleas are created, aside from a short snippet of Shaun asking Shelly for any clean start. She refuses, saying Jordan will not even talk to her. (Well, why would she, traitor?) Shaun begs Shelly to respect how he's performed the overall game and what he and Jordan have accomplished for her. (While it is a nice sentiment, you cannot blame Shelly for searching for herself. Joining with Shaun does not result in money ultimately for Shelly. Sad but true for Shaun/Jordan fans.)So, the election comes lower to some 2-2 tie. (Porsche and Shelly election to evict Shaun while Adam along with a teary-eyed Jordan election to evict Rachel.) Which means HOH Kalia helps make the tie-breaking election, as well as in the eye of her very own game, she votes the greatest threat: Shaun is kicked out.He's clearly upset in the quick talk to Julie. And possibly permanently reason: He was kicked out through the votes of the floater. What you know already he'd have discovered two summer season ago, when he was very quickly kicked out after backdooring Russell. Appears like when Shaun makes large moves, he goes home. When I stated last evening, I believe keeping Daniele around yet another week could have been the best move for Shaun. Not to imply she wouldn't have kicked him within the double eviction if because of the chance, but the actual way it went lower, this result was almost foreseeable. The actual takeaway is: From now on, if you wish to stay, you need to win competitions.So, what have you think about the double eviction? Just how much garbage do you consider Daniele can give Shaun within the jury house? Who would you like to win the following HOH? Who do you consider will win? Election within our poll and share your comments below. show less

Jim Sturgess on for Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer's Cloud Atlas

He's presently breaking Anne Hathaway's heart during the period of two decades in a single Day, and Jim Sturgess has became a member of the variation of Cloud Atlas.The novel is just one of a numerous number labeled 'unfilmable' through the years, however it appears like the the Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer (Perfume: The Storyline Of The Killer, Run Lola Run) are likely to provide a damned good go.The cast already includes Tom Hanks and Halle Berry. Plotwise, Cloud Atlas follows six interconnected tales in the 1800s towards the far-flung future.It's understood the Wachowskis is going to be dealing with the near future-set sections while Tykwer concurrently runs the time pieces, in what's likely to be probably the most costly German-funded movies ever.Sturgess, who has not yet damaged in to the mainstream like one may have predicted, spoke towards the Playlist about Cloud Atlas:"lt's an incredible book... You actually gotta stick to it...simply because if this all begins falling into place it's incredible.Inch[All of the stars] play a couple of figures, it is extremely clever what [the company directors are] gonna try to do. I am really really really looking forward to it."I believe it will likely be crazy, it's either likely to work or it isn't. I am really excited to ascertain if we are able to accomplish it, since it is ambitious what they need to complete.InchAnd it is nice, you seem like no a person's ever done that inside a film before, it's like repetition theater on the kind of giant movie scale."Cloud Atlas is anticipated to spread out late in 2012.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

News Intl. kept Coulson on payroll

CoulsonNews Intl. continued to pay the ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson, who in July was arrested in connection with the phone hacking and police bribery scandal, after he began working as a spin doctor for David Cameron, the pol who became prime minster. The BBC reports that the money was part of a prolonged severance package, worth "several hundred thousand pounds," paid after Coulson was appointed the Conservative Party's director of communications in July 2007.Coulson resigned from the now defunct News of the World in January 2007 after his royal correspondent Clive Goodman admitted intercepting voicemail messages.The revelation is hugely embarrassing for Cameron and News Intl., the publishing arm of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. According to the BBC, Coulson received his contractual payoff in installments until the end of 2007 and was still receiving perks, such as the use of a company car and private medical insurance, three years after quitting the paper. BBC said the Conservative Party was unaware Coulson was receiving money and benefits from News Intl. while he was employed as its director of communications. He was reportedly paid 275,000 ($453,000) a year by the Conservatives.BBC News business editor Robert Peston said: "Some will question whether Mr. Coulson could give impartial advice on media issues to Mr. Cameron when in opposition, given that he retained financial ties to News Intl."Coulson resigned as the government's director of communications in January.The Guardian reported Elisabeth Murdoch has pulled out of this week's Edinburgh Television Festival, which the paper sponsors, after it was felt she would be unable to talk about her Shine Television shingle without being questioned about the phone hacking scandal.She was reportedly due to speak at the annual convention on the theme of creating a global TV production business. Three-day confab kicks off Friday. Contact the Variety newsroom at

Friday, August 19, 2011

Belgium Music Festival Canceled After at Least Five Killed in Storm

COLOGNE, Germany - Organizers have cancelled Belgium music festival Pukkelpop after a sudden storm killed at least 5 people and injured around 140.our editor recommendsThirty Seconds to Mars Frontman Jared Leto Reacts to Stage Collapse in BelgiumMore Deaths as Another Stage Collapses at Belgian Festival Featuring 30 Seconds To Mars, Foo Fighters "Pukkelpop is in deep mourning. We truly sympathize with the families and friends of the victims. Words are not enough," the festival wrote on its homepage. UPDATE: Belgium's Pukkelpop Festival Storm: Bands, Concertgoers React Clouds darkened a sunny sky Thursday and turned into a furry. Within 10 minutes, strong winds had knocked down trees and torn down two of the festival stages as well as speakers and huge projection screens. Several trees were torn up by the roots. "A burning hot sunny day turned into a mini hurricane which hit the stage during our set," tweeted Brit rocker Skin, the singer of the band Skunk Anansie after the event. "A tower fell onto our truck, we had to run for our lives mid-set as hail hit the stage and the wind... began to tear it to pieces, we were unable to continue to play, this was the scariest moment I have ever seen or felt in my 20 years of being an artist." A tent in which Chicago indie band Smith Westerns were playing, and in which fans had fled to seeking shelter, collapsed. Directly after the collapse, Smith Westerns front man Cullen Omori tweeted: "Stage collapsed max almost got crushed by the trees. I hope pukkelpop has insurance bc all our shit is broke." After the extent of the tragedy became clear, Omori deleted his original tweet and updated: "Apologize to anyone who mistook tweet. Wrote directly after running off stage. Just found out extend of the damage. All of prays go to those hurt." The storm hit on the first day of the three-day Pukkelpop fest. Bands scheduled to play that have now cancelled included Eminem, The Foo Fighters and The Offspring. The Foo Fighters, Blink-182, Joel Madden and Chuck Comeau were among the many musical artists who Tweeted their condolences for the victims. Organizers have set up a Facebook page for people to pay their respects for the victims of the storm. But the festival denies it could have prepared better for the tragedy. "What has happened is very exceptional and could not have been predicted," organizers said. The Pukkelpop disaster is the four stage collapse at a music festival this summer and comes after a stage collapsed at the Indiana State Fair just before Sugerland were about to play. Related Topics International Foo Fighters

Thursday, August 18, 2011

New In Time Posters Hit The Web

Justin Timberlake's time is moneyOne! Mwahahaha.... Two! Mwahahaha.... Three! Mwahahaha.... *lightning bolt*.... Four! Mwahahaha.... Five! Mwahahaha.... *thunder clap*.... Six! Mwahahaha.... Seven! Mwahahaha.... No-one is more obsessed with numbers than Sesame Street's The Count, except perhaps Johnny Ball and Donald Trump's accountant. Guys, you got a new rival. It's In Time's Will Salas. Played by Justin Timberlake, he's the man on the run in Andrew 'Gattaca' Niccol's new sci-fi thriller. Salas needs to buy himself some time. The catch? It's actual time and he does have to buy it. The movie's stratospheric concept - a society in which time is the currency and ageing stops at 25 - is an intriguing one. Put it this way, JT is unlikely to stay as cool, calm and collected as he looks alongside Amanda Seyfried's moll on these new one-sheets. The good news is that he's encountered a 'Timeonaire' and inherited more than a hundred year's worth of time-cash; the bad news is that he's now accused of the murder and has both Alex Pettyfer's crim and Cillian Murphy's 'tec on his case. {New In Time Posters}. As Niccol told the Comic-Con throng: The world of the film will look familiar because.... everyone is engineered to have a body clock, but this invention is the end of every other invention. The poor have no time to create anything new, and the rich have no incentive - why invent a new car when I could do it a hundred years from now? . With the kind of symmetry so beloved of studio marketeers, In Time will flash before our eyes from November 1 in the UK.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Haven't We Seen Drive's Tagline Somewhere Before? (Hint: Yes)

Who knew that the No Country For Old Men poster would be so influential in 2011? A few months after the team behind the Fright Night remake appeared to borrow heavily from the one-sheet for the Coen Brothers’ big Oscar winner of 2007, an eagle-eyed tipster points out another upcoming film’s marketing debt. No clean getaways, indeed. But as a recent commenter at IMP Awards notes as well, No Country kind of adapted Traffic’s tagline — “No One Gets Away Clean” — for its own purposes, so hey. All’s fair in love and marketing. [Click below for full-size image]

Thursday, August 11, 2011

National Geographic Megastructures Dubai Mega Mall

By having an indoor aquarium, ice rink, ride and 1,200 shops, its made to exceed all malls. But it should be performed by a virtually impossible deadline. Dubai, a small desert emirate, has been formed being the leisure capital from the oil wealthy Gulf. Centrepiece from the new Dubai may be the Dubai Mall, made to outstrip all departmental stores.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Harvey Weinstein And Ryan Seacrest Team With 'Gilmore Girls' Creator To Adapt 'The Nanny Diaries' For ABC

In the Weinstein Co's first major move in scripted television since launching a TV division in January and tapping Meryl Poster to run it, the company is finalizing a deal with ABC for a TV version of The Nanny Diaries to be written by Gilmore Girls creator Amy Sherman-Palladino and executive produced by Ryan Seacrest. This marks the first foray into scripted TV for reality mogul Seacrest, who signaled earlier this year his intention to expand into comedy and drama. Seacrest is executive producing the hourlong project with Harvey Weinstein and Sherman-Palladino. The Nanny Diaries, which will be laid off at ABC Studios, will be based on the 2002 bestselling book by former Manhattan nannies Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, which the Weinstein Co. turned into a feature in 2007 with Scarlett Johansson, Laura Linney and Paul Giamatti starring. It is a satiric look at upper-class Manhattan society through the eyes of the nannies who work for them. The Nanny Diaries was one of the first scripted projects the Weinstein Co put in development when its TV arc was launched, along with a TV adaptation of another book, crime novel The Mad Ones. For Seacrest, who has been involved in The Nanny Diaries since the get-go, this was one of the first three scripted series put in development at his Ryan Seacrest Prods. Sherman-Palladino most recently wrote and executive produced a 2010 CW drama pilot set in Wyoming, which didn't go to series.

Smurfs 2 Scheduled for Summer 2013

Deep down in your soul, you knew it was coming as soon as The Smurfs stood toe-to-toe with Cowboys & Aliens at the box office: Sony has staked out Aug. 2, 2013 for the release of Smurfs 2, a sequel to this summer’s popular CG reboot. A plot and director has yet to be announced, but Neil Patrick Harris did promise Movieline he’d float the idea of bringing in a socialist Smurfy slant should sequels happen. Make it so, NPH. [Deadline]

American Center, Cine Darbaar Celebrate Hollywood Musicals

NEW DELHI The New Delhi-based American Center (the U.S. State Department's education and culture wing) and film appreciation club Cine Darbaar will host a three day festival "Celebrating Hollywood Musicals" from August 19-21.Opening with 1929's "The Broadway Melody" the first sound feature to win an Academy Award the festival will include screenings of other classics such as "Singin' In The Rain," "West Side Story" and a Vincente Minnelli double bill including "Gigi" and "An American in Paris." The festival will close with Tim Burton's 2007 title "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" starring Johnny Depp."Our objective with this festival is to give cineastes a perspective on the rich legacy of the Hollywood musical," Cine Darbaar president Supriya Suri told "The Hollywood Reporter." "Film screenings will be followed by interactive discussions on various topics so that audiences can get a better understanding of this important artform."Topics will cover the emergence of musicals and the genre's evolution in contemporary times in addition to a focus on Gene Kelly. The event will also include a curating competition in which participants will be asked to write a programming note on a series of American films they would like to curate with the winning entry forming the basis of an upcoming Cine Darbaar event.New Delhi-based Cine Darbaar has been organizing other film-related events with various cultural bodies covering genres such as Japanese anime and world cinema in addition to conducting film education workshops.In April, the American Center and Cine Darbaar organized a documentary film festival "Chasing Dreams" focusing on youth and their dreams with respect to the American immigrant experience. The screenings included titles such as "Racing Dreams," "Which Way Home" and "No Subtitles Necessary: Laszlos and Vilmos" (focusing on acclaimed Hollywood cinematographers Laszlos Kovacs and Vilmos Zsigmond who sought refuge in the U.S. following the 1956 Hungarian Revolution). The Hollywood Reporter

Sunday, August 7, 2011

In einem Land vor unserer Zeit VIII - Der erste Schnee

When the dinosaur families get trapped in a valley by an ice storm, one family of "spike tail" dinosaurs volunteers to leave since they consume more food than the others. Meanwhile, the young dinos and a new adult dinosaur named Mr. Thicknose, head out to bring back their friend Spike, who has left his friends to be with members of his own species.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

'Lysistrata Jones' to Jump to Broadway This Fall

NEW YORK (AP) The bouncy comedy "Lysistrata Jones" is making the leap from an off-Broadway gym to the Great White Way.Producers said Wednesday that the musical written by Douglas Carter Beane and Lewis Flinn will begin preview performances Nov. 12 and officially open Dec. 14 at the Walter Kerr Theatre on 48th Street.In the show, a modern-day college team of slacker basketball players is encouraged to win a game by their girlfriends, who decide to withhold their affections until victory.The musical is loosely based on "Lysistrata," the circa 411 B.C. classical anti-war comedy by Aristophanes. It was last seen in New York in the gym of Judson Memorial Church in Greenwich Village, in which some of the cast members played basketball.Casting will be announced later.Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. PHOTO CREDIT Carol Rosegg NEW YORK (AP) The bouncy comedy "Lysistrata Jones" is making the leap from an off-Broadway gym to the Great White Way.Producers said Wednesday that the musical written by Douglas Carter Beane and Lewis Flinn will begin preview performances Nov. 12 and officially open Dec. 14 at the Walter Kerr Theatre on 48th Street.In the show, a modern-day college team of slacker basketball players is encouraged to win a game by their girlfriends, who decide to withhold their affections until victory.The musical is loosely based on "Lysistrata," the circa 411 B.C. classical anti-war comedy by Aristophanes. It was last seen in New York in the gym of Judson Memorial Church in Greenwich Village, in which some of the cast members played basketball.Casting will be announced later.Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Funny Balloons accumulates 'Tiger'

'The Year from the Tiger'TAULL, The country -- Paris-based Funny Balloons has had worldwide privileges outdoors Chile to "The Entire Year from the Tiger," the 3rd film from Chile's Sebastian Lelio ("Sagrada Familia," "Navidad"). Created by Pablo and Juan p Dios Larrain's Chile-based Fabula, a number one Latin American arthouse label, "Tiger" world premieres in Worldwide Competition in the 64th Locarno festival, which begins Wednesday. Also compiled by Lelio, whose "Navidad" performed Cannes' Directors' Week last year, "Tiger" follows a prison inmate who escapes from his wrecked penitentiary throughout Chile's Feb 2010 earthquake. Depending on true occasions, "Tiger" shot just two several weeks following the quake, lensing in impacted areas. That gave "emergency and emotion" along with a documentary-feel to "Tiger," Lelio told Variety. The moments of devastation mirror the ex-con's mental condition, he added. Tiger" drawn on gold coin from Chile's Audiovisual Fund, a subsidy plan focusing on films with worldwide potential, and won a cash-prize in the Santiago festival's Work happening sidebar, stated producer Juan p Dios Larrain. Funny Balloons handled worldwide sales on Pablo Larrain's "Tony Manero" and "Publish Mortem," both Fabula productions. It's in discussions to shut a U.S. deal on "Publish Mortem," stated Funny Balloons' founder Peter Danner. Fabula, Funny Balloons and Wild Bunch created Abel Ferrara's "4:44 Last Day on the planet," that is competing at Venice. Funny Balloons also repped Mexican helmer Fernando Eimbke's "Duck Season" and "Lake Lake tahoe," both created by Christian Valdelievre's Cine Pantera. Produced in 2003, Funny Balloons released at any given time "whenever a new generation of Latin American filmmakers started to interrupt through," stated Danner. "There is no set plan. But i was lucky enough to get use some very gifted filmmakers at the start of their careers. Which has created associations." Contact the range newsroom at