Friday, September 30, 2011

Sony Pictures Prepares Mount Everest Movie With Doug Liman

If directing a film is like climbing a mountain, then imagine what kind of Herculean task Doug Liman has ahead of him: he's planning to make a film based on one of the most iconic Mount Everest stories in history. In the 1920s, a man by the name of George Mallory looked to be the first man to climb the mountain. After his first two attempts fell short, he tried a third time, but was never heard from again (his remains were found 70 years later). There is still some debate on whether Mallory made it to the summit or not. This will not be the first time Mount Everest has depicted in film. Most recently, 'Everest' -- an IMAX documentary narrated by Liam Neeson -- was released in 1998. [via Deadline] Image courtesy of AFP/Getty Images

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Exec. Says Device Used On Jackson Was Inadequate

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- An executive for the maker of a medical device used by Michael Jacksons doctor to monitor the singer told jurors on Friday that the equipment was not adequate for the continuous monitoring of patients. The $275 fingertip device that monitors the pulse and blood oxygen levels was recovered after Jacksons death and was being used by Dr. Conrad Murray while he was giving the singer doses of the surgical anesthetic propofol. Prosecutors called Nonin Medical executive Bob Johnson to try to show that Murray lacked enough equipment to care for the singer during the treatments. Propofol is normally administered in hospital settings. Johnson said the model that Murray used had no audible alarm and was not intended to be used for the continuous monitoring of patients. Murray, 58, has pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntary manslaughter. If convicted, Murray could face up to four years in prison and lose his medical license. Jurors are expected Friday to hear from paramedics who responded to the singers rented mansion and tried to revive him. Martin Blount and Richard Senneff had previously testified at a preliminary hearing that Murray never mentioned giving Jackson the powerful anesthetic propofol and told them the singer lost consciousness moments before an ambulance was called. Both men believed the singer had died by the time they arrived, but Murray insisted Jackson be taken to a hospital for more resuscitation efforts. The prosecution witnesses will likely provide jurors more insight into Jacksons final moments as futile attempts were made to revive the unresponsive superstar as the trial enters its fourth day. On Thursday, a pair of Jackson staffers described the chaotic scene at the rented mansion. Personal chef Kai Chase said she was preparing a spinach Cobb salad for Jackson when a panicked and flustered Murray came down a spiral staircase shouting for her to get security and the singers son, Prince. His energy was very nervous and frantic, said Chase, who added she ran to get Jacksons son in a nearby room. I said, Hurry, Dr. Murray needs you. Something may be wrong with your father. Chase said later she saw paramedics and security running upstairs to Jacksons bedroom where he lay and some of the house staff were crying, unsure of what was happening. The children were crying and screaming, she said. We started hugging. We came together, held hands and we began to pray. Bodyguard Alberto Alvarez said he went to help Jackson after the singers assistant called him on his cellphone. Shocked at seeing Jackson lying motionless in his bed, eyes slightly open, Alvarez barely had time to react when he heard the singers daughter scream Daddy! from the doorway. He led her and Prince from theroom, trying to comfort them. Alvarez then said Murray told him to put vials of medicine he scooped from Jacksons nightstand into a bag. Alvarez complied and also placed an IV bag into another bag. Alvarezs testimony was key for prosecutors who contend Murray, who has pleaded not guilty, was intent on concealing signs that he had been giving the singer doses of propofol as a sleep aid. Alvarez said he thought Murray might be preparing to take the items to the hospital, but the bags never made it to the hospital and the bodyguard never questioned the doctor. Defense attorney Ed Chernoff asked whether there was enough time for Alvarez to shield Jacksons children, survey the room and stow away the drugs in the brief period that phone records show he was in the home before calling emergency responders. The bodyguard insisted there was, telling the attorney, Im very efficient, sir. Chernoff was not convinced, questioning whether 30 seconds was enough time for the dramatic sequence to play out. Alvarez assured him there was. The defense attorney also challenged Alvarezs recollection, asking whether the collection of the vials happened after paramedics had come and whisked Jackson to a nearby hospital. Alvarez denied it happened after he called 911. Chernoff questioned why Alvarez didnt tell authorities about Murrays commands to bag up the medication immediately after Jackson died, but instead waited until two months after the singers death. The bodyguard said he didnt realize its significance until seeing a news report in late June in which he recognized one of the bags detectives were carrying out of Jacksons mansion. The burly Alvarez became emotional as the 911 call was played for jurors. Jacksons mother, Katherine, appeared distraught and her son, Randy, huddled next to her and put his arm around her. Was that difficult to hear? prosecutor David Walgren asked. It is, Alvarez replied. Alvarezs testimony allowed Walgren to present jurors directly with a bottle of propofol that theyve heard much about throughout the previous two days of the trial. Jurors intently looked at the bottle, which appeared to still contain some liquid. Walgren asked whether anything good had happened to Alvarez as a result of his experience in Jacksons bedroom. No sir, Alvarez responded. Media outlets reportedly offered him up to $500,000 for interviews, but Alvarez said he always refused. Its caused a lot of financial problems, he said, starting to choke up. I went from a great salary to hardly anything. ___ AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this report Copyright 2011 by Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Extremely Loud Incredibly Close Trailer

First look at Safran Foer adaptationEither fittingly or distastefully close to the tenth anniversary of 9/11 (you tell us), the trailer for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close has just debuted over at iTunes.Based on Jonathan Safran Foer's sophomore novel (following Everything Is Illuminated, which was filmed by Liev Schriber in 2005), Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is the story of Oskar, whose father is killed in the Twin Tower attacks. Oskar believes his father left him the message in the form of a key, sparking a NY-based quest to find the lock that it fits.Foer's book was divisive, irritating as many people as it moved (it has quirks like a flick-book section in which a figure falling from the World Trade Centre floats back to the top) and on the evidence of the trailer, the film flirts with a similarly problematic sentimentality. We're not sure U2 are helping either, but there's no doubting the strength of that cast, headed up by Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock, and including Max Von Sydow, John Goodman, Jeffrey Wright, James Gandolfini, Viola Davis, and newcomer Thomas Horn as Oskar.Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot, The Hours) is directing a screenplay by Eric Roth (Benjamin Button), and the film is out on Christmas Day in North America, and February 3 in the UK.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Who's Coming Between Glee's Kurt and Blaine?

Grant Gustin Just whenever we thought Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Blaine (Darren Criss) would become happy for some time... Grant Gustin has became a member of the cast of Glee as Sebastian, a Dalton Warbler and potential love interest for Blaine, reviews. Simply because he's a Warbler, does not lead him to a pleasant guy. Actually, he's referred to because the male version of Santana (Naya Rivera). Glee: The Ten best and 10 worst performances Gustin, whose theater credits include West Side Story (very fitting!), will first come in Episode 5 from the third season, which airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on Fox. What is your opinion? Tell us within the comments below.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Now in Movie History: 'A Streetcar Named Desire' Changes Screen Acting Forever

Movie: 'A Streetcar Named Desire' Release Date: September 18, 1951 The Way It Got Made: Like a medium that came from within the late 1800s, film was still being greatly a Victorian talent well into the center of the following century. 'Streetcar,' possibly a lot more than every other movie, pulled the medium kicking and screaming in to the twentieth century and forced it to develop up. The make an effort to adapt Tennessee Williams' landmark play for that screen met with epic censorship battles in Hollywood. Even just in its tamer, abridged form, however, the film version of 'Streetcar' grew to become Hollywood's first movie which was strictly for grown ups. And Marlon Brando's raw, emotional performance inside it forced a brand new type of maturity into screen acting, that was never exactly the same again. 'Streetcar' had taken Broadway by storm if this opened up in 1947, inside a production directed by Elia Kazan and cast with relative unknowns Brando, Jessica Tandy, Kim Hunter, and Karl Malden. The play's adult styles resulted in couple of in Hollywood desired to touch it. Nevertheless, Kazan attempted to import the development wholesale towards the screen, with similar cast, director, and author. Warner Bros. felt it needed a minumum of one proven star within the cast and known as for Tandy to become changed within the lead role of Blanche DuBois. Kazan found his Blanche in Vivien Leigh, who had performed the role around the London stage, underneath the direction of her husband, Laurence Olivier. The part appeared an ideal fit for that actress who had performed Scarlett O'Hara in 'Gone Using the Wind' ten years earlier. Blanche was as an older Scarlett, a Southern belle who were built with a inclination to make use of and discard males and who maintained an intimate dependence on a disappeared past which was never as genteel and delicate as she'd imagined so that it is. Leigh's mannered, typically-trained performance style clashed with Brando's more raw, unfiltered Method technique, however, that clash fit the figures of Blanche and her brother-in-law, the crude, brazen Stanley Kowalski. As Stella (Stanley's wife and Blanche's sister), Hunter gives a brashly sensual performance, making obvious through facial expression and gesture the carnal attraction that stored her associated with Stanley. And Malden found lots of layers to experience in Mitch, the new suitor caught within the crossfire between Blanche and Stanley. Most company directors would attempt to open the play for that screen, to ensure that it can't feel stagebound inside a medium that may provide the figures more room to maneuver and breathe, but Kazan desired to maintain as well as boost the play's feeling of claustrophobia. The majority of the movie, therefore, was shot within the set representing Stanley and Stella's two-room apartment inside a seedy New Orleans neighborhood, with Kazan moving the walls ever closer together in one scene to another, as though to pressure the eventual confrontation between Stanley and Blanche. 'A Streetcar Named Desire' - Trailer for any Late nineteen fifties Re-Release The shoot was the simple part obtaining the script beyond the censors who went the development Code wasn't. The code office required 68 script changes, focusing on three objectionable areas. First, it wouldn't permit any mention of the homosexuality, relevant in Blanche's admission that her youthful husband wiped out themself over her taunts after she discovered him in mattress by having an older guy. Second, it wouldn't allow any suggestion that Blanche would be a lady who searched for sex because of its own sake and never from romance or loneliness. Finally, it wouldn't allow any hint of rape in Stanley's final attack against Blanche. Kazan was willing to stop the very first two within the final script, Blanche describes her husband as weak, recommending his problem was impotence, though an astute viewer reading through between your lines might infer homosexuality. Mention of the Blanche's sexual past is made similarly vague. But Kazan and Williams was their ground around the rape scene, quarrelling the film wouldn't make sense at all without them, plus they threatened just to walk when they did not obtain way. Eventually, the censors exercised with Kazan and Williams a method to take part in the scene within the most oblique and symbolic possible way (with Stanley's smashing from the mirror like a metaphor for that figurative and literal destruction of Blanche's self-image that follows). Also, because Hollywood morality required that Stanley be punished for his violent act, the film would finish, less the play did (with Stanley and Stella's apparent reconciliation), however with Stanley losing Stella, who takes their infant and moves along with neighboring tenants. (Although, again, an astute viewer might interpret the truth that Stella does not move greater than a couple of ft from Stanley being an indication that they may eventually reconcile.) The code office, whose censors were generally Catholics, had lengthy offered like a buffer between filmmakers and also the Catholic Legion of Decency, which released its very own film rankings that may discourage Catholics along with other Christian moviegoers from visiting a proscribed movie. Getting exercised compromises that gained the approval from the Hollywood censors, Kazan and Williams figured they did not need to bother about the Legion of Decency. These were wrong. Legion authorities elevated their very own objections to Kazan's cut from the film and stated whether it were launched out of the box, it might earn their dreaded "Condemned" rating. Fearing a boycott, Warner's worked out it's contractual to final cut and trimmed about 12 moments, amounting to 5 minutes, without Kazan's understanding or permission. The recut 'Streetcar' gained the Legion's milder "B" rating. Kazan was furious. He remembered later, Warner's wanted a seal. They did not provide a damn concerning the beauty or artistic worth of the image. For them it had been just a bit of entertainment. It had been business, not art. They wanted to find the entire family to determine the image. They did not want anything within the picture that may keep anybody away. Simultaneously they thought about being dirty enough to drag people in. The entire business was an outrage. The Way It Was Received: The censorship brouhaha appeared to create no impact on the general public, which made the film an enormous hit. It had been a vital success too, generating rave reviews and 12 Oscar nominations, a lot more than any film that year. All from the stars were nominated, and three of these won, a task since repeated only by 1976's 'Network.' Despite giving among the difinitive performances within the good reputation for movies, Brando was the lone 'Streetcar' star snubbed on Oscar evening. Nevertheless, with only his second movie (his first was the war drama 'The Men' in 1950), Brando had become an immediate star. Kazan cemented his A-list status in Hollywood and immediately began on 'Viva Zapata,' the 2nd of his three film collaborations with Brando. Lengthy-Term Impact: 'Streetcar' would be a high watermark within the careers of involved. Leigh made only three more movies in her own career, including 'The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone' (with different novel by Williams), before her dying from chronic t . b in 1967. Hunter would spend the majority of the nineteen fifties on Hollywood's blacklist but came back to fame as Zira, the compassionate chimpanzee researcher within the 'Planet from the Apes' movies. Malden shone in 'On the Waterfront' (opposite Brando and under Kazan's direction) as well as in the western 'One-Eyed Jacks' (the only real movie Brando ever directed) before settling into late-career fame like a hard-boiled TV cop ('The Roads of Bay Area,A opposite the youthful Michael Douglas) as well as an American Express pitchman ("Don't leave the house without themInch). Williams would continue his run among America's finest playwrights, and Hollywood would still adapt his work through the nineteen fifties and '60s (including 'Cat on the Hot Container Roof' and 'Sweet Bird of Youth'), although frequently in watered-lower form. For the following decade . 5, Kazan continued to be a high director on Broadway as well as in Hollywood, where he directed such landmarks as 'On the Waterfront,' 'East of Eden,' 'A Face within the Crowd,' and 'Splendor within the Grass.' He demonstrated as instrumental in starting the film careers of James Dean, Avoi Marie Saint, Carroll Baker, Eli Wallach, Andy Griffith, Natalie Wood, and Warren Beatty because he had with Brando. Brando, obviously, continued to savor probably the most spectacular -- and spectacularly thrown away -- careers within the good reputation for film. He finally won his first Oscar for his legendary performance as stevedore Terry Malloy in 1954's 'On the Waterfront.' His second came nearly two decades later for 'The Godfather.' For fifty years after 'Streetcar,' he'd deliver a number of indelible performances which were alternately brilliant, harrowing, maddeningly self-indulgent, sometimes completely bizarre, but never boring. Still, nothing he ever did removed the edgy spirit apparent in the Stanley Kowalski, a performance that made popular the technique and blew away forever the stuffy, stagy, superficial acting styles of history. Brando's example inspired numerous entertainers who adopted, beginning with fellow Method entertainers like James Dean and Paul Newman, and ongoing through this very day with stars like The Actor-brad Pitt who, even when they did not follow Brando's technique, still copied him by using their very own eccentric muses. But 'Streetcar' did not just change screen acting. It transformed screen storytelling by growing the plethora of that which was allowable. 'Streetcar' demonstrated the censors might be flexible, even on such once-core concepts like a refusal to illustrate rape. Through the next decade . 5, a rising tide of foreign films with adult subject material would push Hollywood to trap up, while in your own home, bold company directors like Kazan, Otto Preminger, Stanley Kubrick and Mike Nichols would push the censors even more before system finally stopped working. Kazan would finally break the energy from the Legion using the discharge of 1956's salacious 'Baby Toy,' while Nichols would basically sweep away the final vestiges from the old Production Code with 1966's 'Who's Scared of Virginia Woolf?' Changing the code was the rankings system we have today, which appreciates that you will find some movies that merely aren't appropriate for children. 'Streetcar' was the very first movie created using that thought in your mind it had been only dependent on time prior to the relaxation of the profession swept up by using it. 'A Streetcar Named Desire' - "Hey, Stellaaaa!" The Way It Plays Today: Kazan's director's cut was restored in 1993. It consists of a couple of lines of dialogue which make more explicit Stanley's attraction to Blanche, Stella's full sexual confidence over Stanley's brutishness, and Blanche's own carnality. Also, the scene where Stella quietly responds to Stanley's famous cry ("Hey, Stellaaaa!") by having an alternating combination of contempt and surrender is longer and much more nuanced. But even without these corrections, in the diluted form, 'Streetcar' continues to be dripping with desire, having a frankness that appears astonishing to this day. And six decades did absolutely nothing to diminish the energy from the ensemble's acting, especially Brando's turn. Knowing just the later, bloated Brando, your debt it to you to ultimately begin to see the 27-year-old, not-yet-famous Brando burn an opening within the screen because he explodes with whitened-hot intensity, charisma and sensuality. Follow Gary Susman on Twitter @garysusman.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why the 'Glee' Season Three Premiere Required a Rankings Dive (Analysis)

Fox's hit musical drama Gleetook a rankings hit in the third-season premiere Tuesday, falling 29 percent within the 18-49 demographic in comparison to last year's season opener.our editor recommends'Glee' Season 3 Premiere: Hits and MissesTim Goodman's Fall Digital recording device List 'Glee': Ryan Murphy Discloses Particulars on 'The Glee Project' Finalists' Characters'Glee': Rachel and Finn's Future and much more Season 3 Spoilers'Glee' Season 3 Premiere Sparks Internet FrenzyRelated Subjects•Glee•TV Rankings Glee still drawn in an exceedingly healthy 4. rating (and 8.six million audiences) also it was the very best-ranked show within the 8 p.m. time slot among more youthful audiences 18-34. But it is nonetheless an unexpected dip for any series that grew to become an overnight phenomenon 2 yrs ago and it has since produced an incredible number of iTunes downloads and created a concert tour, a three dimensional movie along with a reality spinoff (Oxygen's The Glee Project). PHOTOS: 'Glee' Season 3: To School Pictures Much more surprising is the fact that newcomer comedy The Brand New Girl built on its Glee lead-in, tugging in tens of millions of audiences and calculating a 4.8 rating, up 55 percent in comparison towards the season premiere of Raising Hope in September 2010. The primary reason, say industry experts, is probably an uneven second season that appeared to sacrifice storytelling for star tributes. "A lackluster story last season might have performed a component [within the premiere rankings]," states Kaira Adgate, senior vice president research at Horizon Media. PHOTOS: Behind the curtain of Emmy Contender Glee's 'Rumours' Episode Glee opened up large this past year, tugging inside a 5.4 rating within the demo and 12 million audiences. It finished its second-season run calculating a 3.4 rating within the demo (excluding the publish-Super Bowl episode). Many industry associates acknowledge that Gleewent from the tracks artistically last season. But Fox professionals have expressed confidence that co-designers Ryan Murphy and Kaira Falchuk have accomplished a training course-correction this year. Indeed, Fox Entertainment leader Kevin Reilly has stressed it's "an extremely back-to-fundamentals year." The show has additionally endured debate. News that it is stars Jum Michele, Chris Colfer and Cory Monteith would exit the show in the finish of the season spurred an incredible number of angry Tweets and blogs from fans who've become connected to the stars and -- possibly irrationally -- expected these phones carry on our prime school-set series despite their figures graduated. (Producers subsequently stated the trio they are under contract even though their figures are graduation this year, they might go back to Glee should it obtain a 4th season or perhaps in a possible NY-set spinoff.) PHOTOS: Fall TV Preview 2011: The Coming back Shows And also the Glee brand extensions, while tugging in lots of supplemental income for studio twentieth century Fox Television, also might be a double-edged sword, resulting in a "saturation" effect and viewer fatigue as evidenced through the disappointing box office for summer's three dimensional concert movie. "The summer time concerts, gossips about cast changes, the downloads, the Oxygen reality series," adds Adgate. "Possibly the franchise has spread itself too thin so that they can make ancillary [revenue]." PHOTOS: 'Glee' Takes New york city: Behind the curtain Obviously, any network -- especially broadcast systems having a quickly aging viewer demographic -- would have a 4 rating within the marketer-coveted 18-49 demo. And Glee also offers a higher area of Digital recording device viewing. Last season, the show's live-plus-seven rating rose to some 4.2. But as the hard-core Gleeks are clearly still onboard. It remains to appear if casual fans will re-uncover the show because this "back-to-fundamentals" season progresses. Related Subjects Glee Chris Colfer Jane Lynch Jum Michele Matthew Morrison Ryan Murphy TV Rankings Cory Monteith Darren Criss Fox Broadcasting Corporation The Glee Project Glee: The three dimensional Concert Movie

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Imax Giving Sony's 'Underworld 4' Day-and-Date Release

TORONTO -- Imax is super-sizing Underworld Awakening, the 4th installment in The new sony Pictures Entertainment's supernatural-action franchise from Lakeshore Entertainment, to screen from The month of january 20, 21012.our editor recommends'300' looking for day-and-date Imax bowEXCLUSIVE: 'Underworld 4' Latches onto Swedish Pointing Team The film from creator Len Wiseman is going to be launched in Imax digital cinemas synchronised using the film's worldwide release. Underworld Awakening stars Kate Beckinsale as Selene, and marks the very first title within the franchise to become launched in Imax's three dimensional format. "Underworld is just one of Screen Gems' most significant franchises, therefore it's vital that you us to provide the film since it's fans need to see it: about the Imax screen," Rory Bruer, leader of Worldwide Distribution for The new sony Pictures Delivering, stated Thursday. Related Subjects Kate Beckinsale Worldwide

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Win a Warrior Prize Pack Including a MMA Glove Signed by Joel Edgerton!

Gavin O’Connor’s Warrior earned rave reviews last weekend (including mine, which you can read here) on the strength of its fine performances and heart-wrenching story of two mixed martial artist brothers (Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton) pitted against each other in and outside of the ring. Now’s your chance to play guest critic and enter to win a prize pack Movieline’s giving away that includes the ultimate Warrior memorabilia: An MMA glove signed by star Joel Edgerton. To win, submit your best 10-word review of Warrior (must be exactly ten words, and as clever/poignant/punny as you desire) and Movieline’s editors will award the best submission with a prize pack that includes: - An MMA glove signed by actor Joel Edgerton (pictured below) - The Men of Warrior coffee table book - A Warrior t-shirt - A Warrior one-sheet Enter to win by submitting your 10-word review in one of two places: The comments section below. On Twitter, using the hashtags #Warrior and #MLgiveaway Entries will be accepted until Thursday, September 14, at 12 noon PT/3pm ET, when we’ll announce the winner here at Movieline and on Twitter at @Movieline.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Lucci Not Departing Fundamental steps The Kids Quietly

NEW You'll be able to, N.Y. -- Erica Kane wouldnt leave quietly if she felt shed been injured. Neither is Susan Lucci as The Kids will get near its finish on ABC. Lucci has memorably referred to Kane concerning the drama, which airs its last episode on ABC on Sept. 23, which is unclear whether she'll be a part of an attempt emigrate the series online. In the lately launched epilogue to her memoir, Lucci significantly belittled her ABC bosses for axing The Kids, that's been concerning the air since 1970. She mentioned careful analysis cancel the show was motivated by avarice and mentioned your brain of Fundamental steps daytime unit, John Frons, has that fatal combination of insufficient understanding and arrogance. Frons, in getting rid of The Kids then one Existence to exist in April, mentioned the cleaning cleaning soap operas were a victim of lowering interest. He mentioned trying to aid shows in severe decline was like trying to trap a falling knife. Lucci shared with her own story inside the paperback edition of My Existence, a memoir launched in hardcover taken. The actress mentioned Frons mentioned, in proclaiming that in regards to the cancellation, that it may be forty percent cheaper to produce the cooking and weight-loss series that are altering the two cleaning cleaning soap operas. If John Frons could show his bosses he could save the network forty percent in production costs, he is able to keep his job even if the comfort people lost ours, she written. She noted that several employees on my small Children had either lost their jobs or lost money when the show moved its production base from New You'll be able to to California lately to economize. I question, did John Frons possess a pay cut, too? Lucci written. She belittled Frons for establishing a completely new mind author about the enter in 2008, and essentially pushing aside Agnes Nixon, the cleaning cleaning soap opera legend who created The Kids. Lucci mentioned that several occasions Id click the television to ABC and not realize I used to be watching The Kids. Once the show was unrecognizable in my opinion, I am in a position to only imagine how our audiences felt. Frons wasn't designed for comment, a speaker mentioned, and ABC declined to cope with Luccis specific comments. Just about everyone has the respect in the world for Susan and so are sorry she felt the necessity to write this epilogue to have an otherwise incredible career, speaker Jori Petersen mentioned. The long run for Lucci and many types of The Children is uncertain. The media company Prospect Park within this summer time signed a certification deal to continue the two cleaning cleaning soap opera tales beyond their television lives either online or on other platforms. The business features handles a couple of from the One Existence to reside in stars, which is mentioned being settling with Lucci together with other The Kids stars. Prospect Park does not have announcement on any The Kids participants, speaker Melissa Zuckerman mentioned Monday. ___ ABC is possessed with the Wally Disney Co. ___ Online: Copyright 2011 by Connected Press. All rights reserved.These elements is probably not launched, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Juan Carlos Fresnadillo Pointing Summit's 'Highlander' Redo

Carlos Alvarez/Getty Images Juan Carlos Fresnadillo remains set to direct Summit Entertainment's re-imagining of Highlander. The 4 weeks Later helmer will begin filming in the year. Art Marcum and Matt Holloway written the script for your latest version, which is founded on the first concept ofan immortal Scottish swordsman who must do fight by getting a similarly invincible barbarian.Neal H. Moritz and Peter Davis will produce as well as Enrique López Lavigne and Belen Atienza. Rui Costa Reis and Eliad Josephson of RCR Media Group, that's co-financing the look, are executive producers.Justin Lin, who dropped out as directorlast month, can also be an expert producer. The UTA-repped Fresnadillo directed the The the spanish language language-language Intacto.His latest film, Criminals, features its own world premiere Monday within the Toronto Film Festival. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo Highlander

'Connected' wins award

The Berlin Film Festival as well as the activist org Interdependence Movement have named Tiffany Shlain's doc "Connected" the champion in the first Interdependence Film Prize for emerging filmmakers. Kudo was given out through the Interdependence Day Forum, held Sept. 12 near Ground Zero in Gotham. Shlain's doc, which combines an autobiographical tale about her family with phone intensifying links between everything and everyone inside the new-media age, preemed at Sundance taken and may soon hit theaters in the Paladin release. The trophy is among two being given out within the forum, while using many other to activism. Pic begins its theatrical rollout Friday, Sept. 16, in San Francisco Bay Area, getting a Gotham run, beginning March. 14, also concerning the itinerary. Contact Gordon Cox at

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Justin Timberlake Wins 2011 Emmy For Outstanding Guest Actor In Comedy Series (SNL)

Outstanding Guest Actor Inside A Comedy Series Saturday Evening Live NBC SNL Galleries in colaboration with Universal Media Galleries and Broadway Video Justin Timberlake, Host Outstanding Animated Program Futurama The Late Philip J. Fry Comedy Central The Curiosity Company in colaboration with Last Century Fox Television Matt Groening, Executive Producer David X. Cohen, Executive Producer Ken Keeler, Executive Producer Serta Vebber, Co-Executive Producer Patric M. Verrone, Co-Executive Producer Josh Weinstein, Co-Executive Producer Eric Horsted, Co-Executive Producer Michael Rowe, Co-Executive Producer Lee Supercinski, Created By Claudia Katz, Created By Gregg Vanzo, Animation Executive Producer Lewis Morton, Compiled by Peter Avanzino, Supervisory Director/Directed By Scott Vanzo, Director laptop or computer Graphics Ira Sherak, Assistant Director Outstanding Original Music And Lyrics Saturday Evening Live Host: Justin Timberlake (Song Title: Justin Timberlake Monologue) NBC SNL Galleries in colaboration with Universal Media Galleries and Broadway Video Katreese Barnes, Music by Seth Meyers, Lyrics by Justin Timberlake, Lyrics by John Mulaney, Lyrics by (Correction: SNL was nominated for just two tunes: Andy Samberg’s not champion.) Seth Meyers accepts for SNL saying: “Justin Timberlake thought about being here. But we stated, no, they demand to determine the authors.” Backstage, Meyers stated that Justin Timberlake provided the thought of singing an audio lesson about hesitant to sing, which gave the authors something to operate with. Requested where he intends to keep his Emmy, Meyers stated: “I’m just likely to place it somewhere where Andy Samberg can easily see it.” Glee FOX Ryan Murphy Productions in colaboration with Last Century Fox Television Gwyneth Paltrow as Carol Holliday After Gwyneth Paltrow’s Glee win for Outstanding Guest Actress, Community’s Executive Producer and co-star Alison Brie stated: Alison Brie: “Gwyneth Paltrow isn't here. She couldn’t make itbecause she's at Happy Hour in the Starlight Room.” Serta Harmon: “Snap!” 2011 Creative Arts Emmys Live-Blogging

No Reconciliation for Ryan and Tatum O'Neal

Ryan and Tatum O'Neal This summer season, Ryan and Tatum O'Neal starred about the reality series for OWN that recorded their tries to work through years of estrangement and improve their relationship. This didn't work. "We just reconciled about the program,Inch states Ryan. "Not around." Ryan & Tatum: The O'Neals adopted the dad-daughter duo through therapy periods, Tatum's special birthday and a vacation to the Palm Springs Film Festival for just about any screening from the 1973 film Paper Moon. However, "we don't speak," Ryan adds. "Really, we're further apart now than i had been once we started the show. So thanks, The famous host the famous host oprah, for the help." An OWN representative had no comment. Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine now!

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Ellen DeGeneres, Portia p Rossi Team for NBC Comedy

Portia p Rossi and Ellen DeGeneres NBC has acquired a comedy project from Ellen DeGeneres which will star her wife Portia p Rossi, Deadline reviews.The untitled comedy is all about dueling siblings, among whom is going to be performed by p Rossi. Underneath the deal, NBC must create a pilot.Take a look at photos of Portia p RossiDeGeneres will executive-produce together with her new An Excellent Production company, together with Samantha Who?'s Don Todd, who'll also write the pilot.The project may be the first purchase for An Excellent Production and could be p Rossi's first TV gig since Best Ted ended this past year.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

EMMYS: Juried Those who win For Animation Achievement And Costuming

NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA, September 7, 2011 The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences introduced today the juried those who win for that 63rd Primetime Emmy Honours within the group of Individual Achievement in Animation and Costumes for any Variety/Music Program or perhaps a Special. These honours is going to be passed out throughout the Creative Arts Emmy Honours on Saturday, September tenth. The 2011 juried those who win include: Individual Achievement in Animation Community: Abeds Unmanageable Christmas NBC A Harmonious Claptrap production in colaboration with 23D Films, Corporation. Came Hodges, Character Animator Disney Phineas And Ferb Wizard Of Odd Disney Funnel Disney Television Animation Jill Daniels, Background Painter Disney Phineas And Ferb Wizard Of Odd Disney Funnel Disney Television Animation John Forest, Background Design Firebreather Cartoon Network Cartoon Network Galleries Peter Chung, Character Design Firebreather Cartoon Network Cartoon Network Galleries Sang Chang, Character Animator Lilac Wine Blind, Corporation. Vanessa Marzaroli, Production Design Youthful Justice Independence Day Cartoon Network Warner Bros. Animation Philip Bourassa, Character Design Costumes For Any Variety/Music Program Or Perhaps A Special Gettysburg HISTORY Created by Scott Free Productions in colaboration with Herzog & Company for HISTORY Kate Carin, Costume Designer Abigail Metcalf, Costume Supervisor Portlandia Farm IFC Broadway Video Amanda Needham, Costume Designer Niki Dimitras, Costume Supervisor The Primetime Emmy rules condition that inside a juried award, all newcomers are tested with a jury of professionals within the peer group, with the potential of one, several or no entry is granted an Emmy. You will find no nominations. The champion(s), if any, are introduced just before the honours presentation. Deliberations are a wide open discussion from the work of every entrant, having a thorough overview of the merits of giving the Emmy. Following the deliberation on each entry, the jury votes about the question, Is entry worth an Emmy award yea or nay? Only individuals in unanimous approval win.