Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Publicists award to David Stapf

Hollywood publicists have selected David Stapf, leader of CBS Television Galleries, to get the tv Showman of the season award. Kudo will be provided in the 49th annual Publicists Honours Lunch in the Beverly Hilton Hotel on February. 24. The publicists are area of the Intl. Cinematographers Guild. The Wednesday announcement from ICG leader Steven Poster and honours committee chairman Henri Bollinger noted that Stapf, an old publicist, was named to his present position in 2004. He runs all the studio's program development and production for series and tv movies for that broadcast, fundamental cable and premium funnel marketplaces. Stapf became a member of CBS in 1999 following stints at Warner Bros. Television and Embassy Television. "The truth that David Stapf started his career like a publicist clearly validates his appreciation of the significance of publicity within the ultimate success of entertainment items," Bollinger stated. "His background in publicity and also the inordinate success he's loved as leader of CBS Television Galleries makes him distinctively capable of receive this recognition." Last Century Fox Television chairs Gary Newman and Dana Walden were the newest readers from the award. Other recent those who win have incorporated Chuck Lorrie, Peter Roth, Nina Tassler, Jerry Bruckheimer and Aaron Sorkin. Contact Dork McNary at

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